法規/Laws and Regulations メキシコ計量法 (2015)/ Federal Law on Metrology and Standardization (2015) 型式承認に関する情報/Type Approval 初期検定、定期または臨時検定が必要な計量計測機器リスト/ List of Measurement Instruments whose initial, periodic or extraordinary verification is mandatory メキシコ官報(最新のNOM確認) 型式承認 計器リスト(スペイン語)/ List of Measuring Instruments Subject to Type Approval (Spanish ver.) 計量計測機関/Related Organizations Metrology institutes CENAM (Centro Nacional de Metrologia) ININ (Instituto Nacional de Investigaciones Nucleares) National legal metrology authorities Direccion General de Normas (DGN) National accreditation bodies Entidad Mexicana de Acreditacion a.c. (EMA) National standards bodies Direccion General de Normas (DGN)