計量計測機関/Related Organizations
- Metrology institutes
- MIRS (Metrology Institute of the Republic of Slovenia)
- MIRS/IJS/F-2,O-2 (MIRS/Jozef Stefan Institute/Low and Medium Energy Physics F2, Environmental Sciences O2)
- MIRS/IMT/LMT (MIRS/Institute of Metals and Technology/Laboratory of Pressure Metrology)
- MIRS/KI/L05 (MIRS/National Institute of Chemistry/Laboratory for Environmental Sciences and Engineering)
- MIRS/NIB/FITO (MIRS/National Institute of Biology/Department of Biotechnology and Systems Biology)
- MIRS/SIQ/Metrology (MIRS/Slovenian Institute of Quality and Metrology/Metrology)
- MIRS/UL-FE/LMK (MIRS/University of Ljubljana, Faculty of Electrical Engineering/Laboratory of Metrology and Quality)
- MIRS/ZAG/SM 480 (MIRS/Slovenian National Building and Civil Engineering Institute/Laboratory for Cements, Mortars and Ceramics)
- National legal metrology authorities
- National accreditation bodies
- National standards bodies